TENG Documentaries
The Singaporean Composers Series
起承转合 The Singaporean Composers Series: 合 (Harmony) | The Singaporean Sound
起承转合 The Singaporean Composers Series: 转 (Re-Direction) | Pushing Conventional Boundaries
起承转合 The Singaporean Composers Series: 承 (Exposition) | Fusing East and West, Old and New
起承转合 The Singaporean Composers Series: 起 (Beginning) | Behind Kallang Uproar and Soaring
The Forefathers Project
The Forefathers Project EP5: Reimagining the Sounds of Singapore’s Chinese Forefathers
The Forefathers Project EP4: The Successors of Nanyin
The Forefathers Project EP3: The Craftsmen of Our Traditions
The Forefathers Project EP2: An Inheritance from Our Cantonese Forefathers
The Forefathers Project EP1: The Founding Father of Singapore's Chinese Orchestras